Why the Modern-Day Car Battery Is Truly Sophisticated

12 December 2018
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

If you think that your car battery is just another storage device, you should think again in the modern automotive world. Certainly, in the "old days" it would be responsible for storing enough electrical charge to start your engine and then work with the alternator to power all the other ancillaries. However, today the battery is a far more dynamic device due to an abundance of new technology found in the modern vehicle.

Energy Management

For example, your car or truck may have an advanced energy management system on board which means that the battery has to be much more self-reliant. This type of system will disconnect the alternator under standard driving conditions. It will release more power from the engine, so it can be used for the primary purpose – which is to drive the car after all – with the objective of making it more fuel efficient. The alternator is only brought back into the equation to boost the battery, when the charge state goes below a predetermined threshold. In between, the battery needs to be able to supply all the electronic devices on its own.


Alternatively, your vehicle may be fitted with a regenerative braking system. This means that kinetic energy has to be harnessed and converted back into electrical power to help feed the battery. Due to the dynamics of this system, the battery has to be far more flexible and able to function at lower states of charge.


You may also notice that your car will cut out whenever you come to a halt at a traffic light. This is, of course, intentional and is once again designed to help with fuel economy and emissions control. The battery has to be designed in such a way that it is always able to supply the starter motor with the correct amount of power to trigger the engine, even when it is relatively discharged.


As you can see, batteries have to be able to function effectively in all manner of different circumstances and are therefore a very different piece of equipment when compared to a generation ago. You need to ensure that you get the most appropriate and best quality battery for your vehicle if you are to maintain good efficiency and full reliability.

Buying Well

If it's time to replace your battery, ask the experts to confirm your choice. You may be able to find the full specification in your owner's manual, but you should always ensure that you buy the right grade and type of battery in any case.
